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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I find out about administrative items like insurance, therapy vs coaching, scheduling, and policies?These topics are covered by in the FAQ's of our partner organization, the Couples Counseling Center.
Parenting with my partner requires empathy. But is empathy even possible in our neurodiverse relationship?First, it is important to understand the different types of empathy. Psychologists Daniel Goleman and Paul Ekman break down the concept of empathy into three categories: ​ Cognitive empathy is the ability to understand how a person feels and what they might be thinking. Cognitive empathy makes us better communicators, because it helps us relay information in a way that best reaches the other person. Emotional empathy (also known as affective empathy) is the ability to share the feelings of another person. Some have described it as "your pain in my heart." Compassionate empathy (also known as empathic concern) goes beyond simply understanding others and sharing their feelings: it actually moves us to take action, to help however we can. The AS partner may struggle at emotional empathy but, with the right context, be great at cognitive and compassionate empathy. Your therapist can help expand your view of empathy and rethink how empathy can be given and received, thus creating a deeper connection in your relationship.
When my partner blows up during a parenting fight, it seems like partner has an anger problem. Is that because he is on the spectrum?This may or may not be true. People on the spectrum often expend most of their energy managing their way through an emotionally confusing world. The gap between their understanding of the world and that of many of the people around them can be extremely frustrating. At some point, it becomes too much and leads to a melt-down (anger) and then withdrawal. Thus, the Aspie's anger may be a result of the underlying neuro-differences so it is often most helpful to address those neuro-differences to take some steam out of the anger prior to addressing the anger directly. On the other hand, anger is a natural part of many relationships which can escalate to unhealthy levels. Talk to your therapist or coach to better understand its origin and set a clear plan to address it together.
My partner and my child struggle to express emotions and thoughts. Can you help?Absolutely. You are describing "alexithymia" which is a deficit in the ability to identify and describe emotions experienced by one's self. The Aspie partner and/or child definitely have internal feelings and thoughts but struggle to express them. ​ This is where therapy can help tremendously. Our therapist can provide a number of tools to help like providing ways to slow down communication to give time and space to let the feelings and thoughts arise, without the usual pressure to come up with something immediate. ​ We also help you find alternate ways to express feelings and thoughts such as in writing, through music, poems, movies, and other create means.
Our child is on the spectrum and now my partner wants me to get a diagnosis. Do I have to do this to work with you?Most of our clients do NOT seek to receive a diagnosis. It is often most effective to treat whatever unique characteristics which present themselves and avoid the negative effects of labeling and having a fixed mindset. ​​ On the other hand, it can be INCREDIBLY helpful to receive a diagnosis if it can help a couple reinterpret behaviors as a way of experiencing the world as opposed to a sign of bad intent.
How much does parenting therapy cost? Is it worth it?FEE RANGE: Our fee per 50 minute session varies based on life experience, clinical experience, training, education (master's, doctorate), and special certifications and range from $150/session to $350/session. You will be able to indicate the fee you are able to pay on our contact form and we will do our best to match you with the appropriate professional. FINDING OUT YOUR FEE: Once you are matched a therapist or coach, she or he will inform you of her or his fee per session. Feel free to discuss if the fee is acceptable to you. ​ If the fee is not in your range, discuss it with your therapist who will try to accommodate or match you with a different therapist. ​ PERSPECTIVE: To put the cost in perspective, even though parenting therapy can cost thousands of dollars, there are few things in life that will give you the same quality of life that a healthy family can provide. Consider the emotional costs of your ongoing conflicts have been to everyone in your family. What is the value of feeling and interacting more lovingly and respectfully now and in the long-term? Getting help to communicate with your partner and children in more effective and lasting ways may be one of the best investments you can make.
What if I have questions that aren’t listed here?Please reach out to Cassie Clayton, our Client Care Coordinator. She will be glad to answer your questions! Email : Text or Call: (408) 475-2746‬
How else do you support the neurodiverse community?We try to cover as many areas of need as we can. Check out: Adult Autism Assessment Center for expert diagnosis of Autism & ADHD​ Believing Cassandra for Neurotypical Spouses Neurodiverse Couples Counseling Center for Neurodiverse Couples​ Neurodiverse Couples Retreat Getaways for Neurodiverse Couples​ She Rocks the Spectrum ​A Therapy Center for Autistic Girls & Young Women Therapy 4 Autistic Men Where difference = strength​

"If they can’t learn the way we teach, we teach the way they learn."
- Olivar Lovaas

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